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Link to the Maine Poet Society's Newsletter, the Stanza.
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Email the Maine Poets Society.

The Maine Poets Society is

An organization of Maine writers actively engaged in creating poetry, who wish to:

  • broaden their knowledge of poetry

  • increase their skills

  • share their knowledge to help other writers develop and achieve

  • encourage high standards in writing and judging poetry

  • broaden fellow members' interest, understanding, and appreciation of our rich poetic heritage

Link to the Maine Poet Society's Facebook page. Maine Poets Society has a Facebook Page - check it out!


Mark Your Calendar! Meeting on May 18

The location for the in-person Maine Poets Society meeting will still be Christ Episcopal Church, 2 Dresden Avenue in Gardiner. Registration will still begin at 9:30 a.m. The morning session will start at 10:00 with a business meeting to be followed by our first attempt at a hybrid “Reading in the Round.” If you would like to read, please bring with you up to 3 poems you’d like to share. We’ll go around as many times as the schedule will allow. We expect to have closed captions available on screen and hope that will help with hearing issues for both those on Zoom and those in the room.

We’ll break at 12:45 for lunch. Judge for the May contest, Dennis Camire, will join us at 1:30. He will share the results of the contest and treat us to a reading of some of his own work. He will not offer a workshop on May 18, but has agreed to do one for us on Zoom sometime in the not too distant future.

On-street parking is available. This will be a hybrid meeting using our own recently purchased OWL. A link will be sent to all current members a day or two prior to the meeting. If you plan to attend in person, please do let us know so our Hospitality Host will be aware how many to prepare for. Refreshments will not include a full lunch, so please bring a bag lunch.

The current issue of Strophes is the April 2024 issue (PDF).

 © Maine Poets Society.