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By paying the annual dues ($22), anyone may become a member who:

  • is interested in poetry

  • subscribes to the objectives of the society

  • agrees to participate in the activities of the society

The society is affiliated with the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS). Maine Poets Society membership fee includes NFSPS membership and allows our members the opportunity to participate in a variety of contests and events each year. For more information, visit NFSPS online at

At the general meeting on September 30, it was voted to increase the dues to $22 per year.

Download the Membership Application and Renewal Form (PDF)

Renewal Form (PDF)

Membership Opportunity Grants

Opportunity grants (on a first-come, first-served basis) are available to members in good standing for help – up to $100 – for attendance at a workshop, to take a class, or to attend a poetry festival or residency. A portion of that grant may be used to cover transportation expenses. Grants are to be issued solely for the purposes of defraying the costs of attending conferences or writing experiences, taking classes or courses, whether online or face-to-face. Grant money is not for purchase of materials or products, contest submissions, etc. other than for computer software needed to access an online course. These grants are designated for actual educational experiences for our members. You can download a Membership Opportunity Grant Application and guidelines from our website (see below).

Download a Membership Opportunity Grant Application PDF.


Please send member news to

 © Maine Poets Society.